What are the advantages and disadvantages of telework? Could productivity and income plummet?

Telework has been attracting attention recently, but in fact, it was once spreading around 2016.
At that time, there was no need to be conscious of social distancing, such as keeping a distance between people when talking or working due to the outbreak of new pathogens like now, so telework didn't make much sense. .
However, it is now recommended to work from home or on the go without going to the company.
However, it can be said that most companies are working for the first time, so we are still fumbling.
Telework has both good and bad sides, so it is not true that it is better to work without going to work.
This time, we will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of telework and the possibility that productivity and income will plummet.
1. What are the benefits of telework?
2. What are the disadvantages of telework?
3. Telework can cause productivity to plummet!
4. Is there a possibility that telework will cause a sharp drop in income?

In order to telework, companies need to prepare personal computers and IT equipment, and security measures must be taken to protect the personal information of employees.
At first glance, it may seem like an easy way to work because you can work from home or do business wherever you like, and you can maintain social distancing.
Once on track, telework will have more advantages than disadvantages.
The benefits are seen from the perspective of the company and the perspective of the employees who work there.
First of all, companies can significantly reduce their rental fees because they don't have to have an office.
In addition, telework will have the advantage of increasing the satisfaction level because employees can often work where and when they like.
As an advantage for employees, those who have children can work from home while taking care of their children, so they can spend more time with their families.
In addition, since daily commuting is eliminated, there is no need to worry about travel time and transportation costs to go to work.

Many companies have just started working on telework, so there are various problems.
For example, I couldn't ascertain whether employees were actually working at home or outside during working hours, so I was actually slacking off.
Under the supervision of the company, it becomes difficult to grasp the performance of employees, so if such troubles occur, productivity will drop significantly.
A company that pays a fixed salary may end up paying a loss even though the employee is not working.
As a disadvantage of telework, companies tend to have this as a problem.
On the other hand, the disadvantage for employees is that working from home or working outside the home often leads to lonely work, which may lead to the development of psychosis and the inability to self-manage.
In addition, many employees who constantly use the Internet to communicate with the company tend to become dependent on the Internet environment.
Many people feel uneasy when the internet environment is not set up.
Of course, some companies are trying to make improvements so that their employees can easily adapt to the telework environment through trial and error. I have.
So, as you get used to telework, the disadvantages will decrease, and the advantages will increase.
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When teleworking, there is a risk that there will be a gap in the perception of information transmission and information sharing compared to when you are in the company.
You can say it's obvious.
Normally, people who go to the office communicate with their colleagues and bosses to get their work done smoothly. Don't.
Therefore, the response will be worse than if you meet face-to-face and have a conversation.
In addition, there are concerns that fewer conversations with colleagues and superiors will make it easier to feel stress and anxiety, and as a result, work will not progress and productivity will plummet.
Since long ago, it has been normal for people working at Japanese companies to go to work at the company, so it would be impossible for them to suddenly get used to telework while maintaining social distancing.
Even if productivity declines, it does not mean that the deliverables of work will not be produced at all, so it is unlikely that the company will soon be in the red.
However, it is certain that telework, which is a cutting-edge work style, will continue to spread more and more in the future, so how quickly employees can get used to telework work is not the key to a company's advantageous business direction. Is not it.
Telework will make it easier for companies to understand that people who usually have a habit of slacking off at work can't do much work.
This is because telework often involves working alone, and employees with a habit of slacking off have poor self-management and crisis management, making it difficult to increase productivity.
Therefore, it is possible that only competent employees will be able to perform telework smoothly, and those who have a habit of slacking off will be kicked out of the company.

When you go to work at the company and work, you may work overtime depending on the case.
It is obligated to pay overtime in the same way if you work overtime even in remote work (telework).
However, since it is difficult for companies to ascertain whether employees are actually working during working hours, there are places where employees' working hours are ambiguous and they are forced to work overtime without pay.
There are also IT tools that monitor employees, but there is also the issue of whether they are restricted to that extent, and there is also the aspect that it is difficult to draw a line between work and personal private time in telework work.
Telework may result in unpaid overtime, so there is a possibility that your income will drop sharply.
Some companies find it easier than working in an office because they can work from home or on the go without having to go to work.
In the case of a company with such a mindset, it will affect the income of employees by deciding on a policy that they do not have to pay overtime.
Also, in some companies that pay a fixed salary, the income of employees does not change much even after teleworking, but in the case of a commission-based company, there is a risk that the income of employees will decrease.
This is because if you work alone, some people will be lazy or slacking, and their productivity will not increase and their salary will be low.

Many companies have only just started working on telework, so there are probably not many that have a win-win relationship with their employees.
The advantage is that employees do not have to go to work, so they do not have to pay for public transportation, which leads to cost reduction for companies.
Employees simply have more free time because they don't have to worry about traveling time to work.
In addition, there was statistical data showing that doing business at a time and place of their choice increases satisfaction.
The disadvantage is that you have to frequently use the Internet to "report, contact, and consult" with the company, so the response will be worse than if you had a direct conversation.