An easy-to-understand explanation of what telework is! About the meaning and origin! Are there subsidies?

テレワークとは何かわかりやすく解説!意味・由来について!助成金はある? - スタイルイコール

An easy-to-understand explanation of what telework is! About the meaning and origin! Are there subsidies?

Once in 2016, a form of work called "telework" became popular.

The number of nomad workers who belong to a company but are not bound by time and place without going to work has also increased.

However, in Japan, it has been customary for a long time to come to work at the company where you work, so telework has not become widespread.

Recently, telework has been attracting attention again due to a new pathogen that has shaken the world.

This is because it is becoming an important world to work while maintaining social distance.

However, since there are various occupations and occupations, it is not true that telework is the best form for all of them.

Depending on the job, there are some jobs that require face-to-face contact with other people, and others that require you to come to work.

This time, we will introduce the definition, meaning and origin of telework, as well as subsidies.

1. What is the definition of telework?

Telework is a form of work that allows employees to work regardless of time and place.

At the Japan Telework Association, telework is a coined word that combines "tele" and "work", and it is possible to work at home or in various places outside without going to work. Thing.

Recently, due to the emergence of new pathogens, it has become an environment where people have to keep their distance and work, and an increasing number of companies are introducing telework.

As a definition of telework, it is possible to use information and communication technology (ICT) to work flexibly without being bound by work location and work hours, so you do not have to go to work at a company, but you can pay transportation expenses. There are places to stop.

Transportation expenses are commuting allowances, so your salary will not increase.

When you go to work, you will use public transportation, so the company will only pay for it, so it will not have a negative impact on those who telework.

However, when you start working by telework, you will have more time to work alone, so self-management skills are required.

Being able to work freely without being bound by time or place may work positively for some people, but it may have a negative impact on others.

2. About the meaning and origin of telework

Telework is expressed in English as "telework", and "tele" means "distant" in ancient Greek.

Since "work" is "labor", telework allows you to work freely without being bound by time or place.

It is said that telework was first used in the 1970s with the aim of alleviating air pollution and traffic congestion caused by the energy crisis and car commuting that occurred in Los Angeles, USA in the 1970s.

The first telework in Japan was implemented in 1984, and it is said that it became popular because NEC companies aimed at childcare and nursing care.

There are similar work styles such as "mobile work, satellite office work, remote work, and telecommuting."

The biggest benefit of telework is that you don't have to go to work at your company, so you can reduce commuting time and shorten overtime hours.

Therefore, depending on the company, it is meaningful to implement it because it is expected that telework will increase productivity rather than having employees come to the office and work normally.

There is also a subsidy for implementing telework from the government, so depending on the company, there is a possibility that expenses will not be squeezed so much.

However, if all companies start telework, there is a fear that the economy will not turn around, so it can be said that it is a difficult problem in terms of work styles.

Also, since you have to use a computer or mobile device to work, if you are not a person who can use digital devices, teleworking will not increase your productivity.

3. What is the difference between telework and remote work?

The meaning of telework is almost the same as "remote work".

However, as a term, telework has a long history of being used more than remote work, so it has permeated the world.

The term telework has been used for over 30 years, and many people know its definition.

You can use the Internet to hold web conferences, chats, and make phone calls at home or on the go, so unless you have some IT literacy, you can't say that it's suitable for you.

Telework can be said to be a cutting-edge way of working now, but the penetration rate of companies is still not that high.

Some people skip because they can't directly check how their employees are doing.

Many companies around the world have a policy of paying employees a fixed salary instead of a commission system, so even if an employee skips telework, that time is part of the salary. It is.

Therefore, telework does not necessarily increase employee productivity or improve work efficiency.

On the other hand, by implementing telework, it is easier to grasp the deliverables of each person, and it is possible to determine how much work is being done, so it is possible to measure the ability of the individual.

Telework has its disadvantages, but it also has advantages, so it can be said to be an innovative way of working for companies that can use it well.

4.Is there a subsidy for telework?

Some companies that introduce telework have a "subsidy system" set up by each local government.

In the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, it is said to be an improvement subsidy for overtime work (telework course).

In order to carry out telework, it is necessary to prepare a computer and IT equipment.

In addition, it costs a lot of money because it requires installation costs such as software, cloud services, security systems, and maintenance services.

Grants are used to subsidize those expenses.

Since most of the world is small and medium-sized enterprises, there are few places that have the financial resources to prepare the IT equipment and personal computers necessary for telework for their employees.

However, in Japan, it is considered important to work while maintaining social distance, so it is desirable to respond to work using telework as much as possible.

Therefore, the government is providing subsidies to companies and creating a system to spread telework more widely, so it may be helpful especially for small and medium-sized enterprises that are struggling with cash flow.

The spread rate is still not high, but by working while coming to work, employees can reduce the risk of contracting new pathogens and work lazily for the purpose of overtime pay. It may also have the effect of preventing employees.

5. Summary of telework

Telework is a word that combines "tele = remote place" and "work = labor" in the Japanese Telework Association.

You can work freely without being bound by time or place, but companies need to prepare PCs and IT equipment, so it takes time and money to introduce telework.

The government also provides subsidies to companies, so it is a very welcome system for some companies, but it is not necessarily a way of working that increases the productivity and wages of employees.

Also, if all companies introduce telework, there is a risk that the Japanese economy will not be able to continue, so it cannot be said that it is the best way of working for all companies.

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