What is cordovan? Explains basic knowledge and features that even beginners can understand!

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What is cordovan? Explains basic knowledge and features that even beginners can understand!

Cordovan is famous for those who like leather products.

It is used for various things such as wallets, business card holders, shoes, and school bags.

It features a unique luster and a luxurious texture that will enhance the fashionability of cordovan owners.

Even if you know about leather material, not many people know what kind of animal leather is used.

Many people who are new to leather goods are concerned about the appearance of fashion accessories, and do not understand the essence of what they own.

If you deepen your knowledge of cordovan, it will become easier to choose belongings that match the TPO, and your value will increase further.

This time, we will introduce the basic knowledge information of cordovan, types and features.

1. What is cordovan?

Cordovan is "Cordovan" when written in Roman letters.

Horse leather is a material that uses leather from the buttocks and buttocks of horses.

Cordovan takes leather from the rump of farm horses produced for meat in Europe.

Many people are fascinated by its unique luster and luxurious texture, and it is a popular material every year.

Companies involved in the production of cordovan leather are well-known, such as Horween in the United States and Shinki Leather in Japan.

There are not many companies in the world that produce cordovan leather.

In addition, when using horse leather as a fashion accessory, it takes about 6 months to produce.

That's why not so many pompoms and cordovan products are made.

It is necessary to identify high-quality horse leather, and in order to achieve a beautiful luster and a luxurious texture, skilled craftsmen must take the time and effort to manufacture it.

2. About the history and origin of cordovan

Cordovan is derived from "leather diamonds and leather jewels".

The name comes from the fact that the work process of scraping out the cordovan layer reminds us of the excavation of gemstones, and the work process of glazing, which achieves luster, resembles the polishing of gemstones.

In addition, there are various theories, but one theory is that high-grade tanned goat leather, which is a specialty of the cobalt region of Spain during the Islamic period, resembles cordovan, so it is said that it came to be called that.

Its history has not yet been clarified and no documents have been found, so it can be seen that it is quite ancient.

It is certain that the origin and history of cordovan is not in Japan.

However, the demand for cordovan products is currently increasing worldwide, including Japan.

3. Is the cordovan quality good? bad?

Cordovan is "horse leather", but in fact it is less distributed than living creatures such as cows and pigs.

The fact that the distribution volume is small means that the amount of production using cordovan materials is also small, so it has a high scarcity value.

And to get better quality horse leather, you can only get it from agricultural horses produced in limited areas in Europe.

So, inevitably, the amount of production will be even more limited.

Cordovan can only be collected from one horse for several pairs of shoes, so if the horse's leather is damaged or damaged, it cannot be collected.

It has a high rarity value, and it takes about 6 months for skilled craftsmen to produce cordovan fashion accessories, so it is natural that the quality will be the best. I guess.

The production work of cordovan products requires a high level of knowledge and technology for the craftsmen engaged in it, so it takes labor costs to train them.

4. Difference between cordovan and other leather

Cordovan can be said to be the most durable material among genuine leathers.

Since it is genuine leather, it takes a lot of effort and cost to manufacture fashion accessories, so many of them are quite expensive.

However, the high durability means that you can continue to use it for many years, so in the long run, you may think that it was an affordable purchase.

There are many other types of leather, such as:

Artificial leather

"Artificial leather" is mainly used as a material for randoseru products.

Synthetic leather is characterized by its light weight, resistance to stains, and bright colors.

Since it is not genuine leather, it is possible to achieve a reasonable price by comparison.

Because it is lightweight and resistant to dirt, people who own fashion accessories made of artificial leather will not feel the weight of the product so much, and it is durable, so it can be used for a long time.


A major feature of the material of "cowhide" is that even if it gets scratched, it does not stand out.

Because the leather is hard, it is highly durable, and products using cowhide are resistant to deformation.

It takes some time to get used to the fit and ease of carrying around, but the appeal of genuine leather is that it softens as you use it.


Cordovan is made from horse leather material.

Its characteristic is that it is resistant to scratches and is said to be about 3 to 5 times stronger than cowhide, making it highly durable among genuine leather.

Cordovan is soaked in plenty of oil during the production process, and a beautiful luster is achieved during the glazing process.

5. Types of cordovan

Cordovan is used for fashion accessory items, but not all products are of the same type.

The most suitable one is used in the production process by taking advantage of the characteristics as follows.

pigmented cordovan

"Pigment-finished cordovan" is made by infiltrating only the minimum necessary amount of oil into the interior and tanning it with tannin, then placing pigment on the front side to color it.

The pigment finish covers the surface of the leather and prevents moisture from penetrating inside the material.

It is highly waterproof and water repellent and has good durability, so it is recommended for people who love cordovan products and are not good at daily care.

oil shell cordovan

Traditionally, the most common type is oil shell cordovan.

In foreign countries, it is also called "shell cordovan".

Oil Shell Cordovan is able to achieve high durability against bending by infiltrating plenty of oil inside the material.

In addition, many of them are finished with glazing to create a glossy surface.

Urethane dyed cordovan

Like enamel, urethane-dyed cordovan has a smooth and glossy surface.

Urethane resin is used, so it is resistant to water and stains and scratches.

If you have a urethane dyed cordovan product for many years, it may become sticky or uneven in color due to deterioration of the resin, so it is important not to neglect care.

What is not cordovan

There are some excellent leather materials in the world, even if they are not cordovan.

Another typical horse leather is "horsehide, horsefront, pony leather".

They are used in various fashion accessories such as wallets and leather jackets.

6.Summary of cordovan

Cordovan is abbreviated as "Cordovan" in Roman letters.

Horse leather is used for various fashion accessories such as wallets, school bags, business card holders, and shoes.

Its history is old, but its origin is not clear, so it is wrapped in a veil.

The origin of the name of cordovan leather is called "leather diamond, leather jewel", etc., and many people are attracted by its unique luster and luxurious texture.

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