


Is there a recommended free app for business card management? About whether it can be used offline and reputation (word of mouth)

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Is there a recommended free app for business card management? About whether it can be used offline and reputation (word of mouth)

The longer you work for a company, the more opportunities you have to receive business cards from your business partners and customers. As a result, business cards accumulate steadily, and many businessmen worry about how to store them.

Some people store them in a clear file or put them in a business card holder. Some businessmen with high internet literacy use their smartphones or computers to download business card management apps and manage them digitally.

You can use the app individually or in an organization.

This time, we will introduce whether there is a recommended free application for business card management, whether it can be used offline, and its reputation (word of mouth).

1. Is there a recommended free app for business card management?

I will introduce whether there is a recommended free application for business card management.

Whether you're an individual or a corporate organization, there's an app that's easy to use.

[Eight] is an easy-to-use free app that was born from Sansan, a business card service for companies. You can download it from your smartphone or PC, and all functions can be used at no additional charge.

Also, if you want to use more advanced functions, you can upgrade to the paid version, and there are types such as [Eight Premium / Eight Corporate Premium].

There are many good reviews (reputation), so you can use it with confidence.

If you use a business card management app, you don't have to worry about where to put your business cards.

If you received a business card from a business partner or customer and lost it, it would be very embarrassing to get it again. Depending on the other party, there may be people who think that they do not value themselves or the company, so they may never have a relationship in the future.

In order to prevent this from happening, you must never lose your business card or lose business card information. Even though it's a free app, [Eight] is recommended because it has good functions and performance.

2. Is there a recommended paid app for business card management?

I will introduce whether there is a recommended paid application for business card management.

[Eight], which I introduced earlier, can be used for free or for a fee.

Therefore, you can try the free app first to see if it is easy for you to use, and then pay to upgrade to the paid version.

It is also recommended for those who want to manage their own business card data and those who do not have a business card holder, as well as managing business cards of business partners and customers. If you upgrade to Eight Premium for a fee, you can use it with a rate plan of [480 yen per month or 4800 yen per year].

And the business card management app recommended for individuals is [Macy].

Macy is a service that scans both sides of a business card just by mailing it to Mogurasha, and remotely processes the data entry on your behalf.

The fee is about [1980 yen per month], and there are plans that can be used.

Most people who do not have the opportunity to exchange business cards do not have much work to manage business cards, so it is better to start with a free app that does not cost anything. On top of that, if the features you want to use are in the paid version, it will be less expensive to upgrade.

3. Can the business card management app be used offline?

I will introduce whether the business card management application can be used offline.

When working at home, you can connect to Wi-Fi and use it smoothly, but when you go out or go on a business trip, there are places where radio waves do not reach. Even in such regions, there are business card management apps that can be used.

The best one for offline personal use is [Wantedly People].

Wantedly People regards human connections as assets of individuals rather than organizations, and can be said to be a tool that can strengthen relationships even if you or your customers change jobs or belong to a new organization.

Even when managing a large number of business cards, the processing capacity is fast and the word of mouth (reputation) is not bad.

However, note that not all functions of the business card management application that can be used offline can be used.

For example, with the free app Wantedly People, you can register business card information offline. However, we do not recommend managing all business cards digitally.

Since it is digital, there is a risk that the data will be lost for some reason because it does not remain in shape. Therefore, it is important to store your business cards properly in a business card holder or clear file.

4.Do business card management apps protect personal information?

I will introduce whether the business card management application protects personal information.

The reason why there are free and paid ones is that there are differences in functions and security measures. So, in the case of free business card management apps, be careful as some apps may not have sufficient information leakage countermeasures.

Many people with high internet literacy are also concerned about security.

In a malicious case, not only business card information but also various application data and saved information stored in the smartphone may be hacked.

So, when you download a business card management app, you have to be careful if you are asked to access the data inside your smartphone.

There are reviews that the free and paid apps I introduced earlier have solid security measures, but digital data is constantly being upgraded, so it is safer to check security measures diligently.

If it is only your own personal information, it is unlikely that you will cause trouble to others, but if you are dealing with business card information of business partners and customers, be especially careful.

5. About the reputation (word of mouth) of the business card management application

Introducing the reputation (word of mouth) of the business card management app.

[Eight], which is easy to use for both individuals and company organizations, reads data instantly when you hold the camera over a business card.

So, it has a very good reputation for people who are not used to operating smartphones or who want to read business card information in as short a time as possible.

In addition, the accuracy of reading business card information is said to be superior to other business card management apps.

There are many other types of business card management apps, so it is a good idea to choose the one that is easy for you to use. In that case, check the reviews (reputation) of the app you want to use, and if it seems easy to use, try using it.

If you just store your business cards in a clear file or business card holder, keeping them at home reduces the risk of personal information being leaked to others, but managing business cards digitally can be unspecified in some cases. You run the risk of being seen by a lot of people.

Please handle with sufficient care so that your lack of control will not cause trouble to the companies and customers you do business with.

Summary of business card management

The recommended free app for business card management is [Eight].

It can be used by individuals and organizations, and it is recommended because you can use the paid version if you pay. An app that is easy for individuals to use is [Wantedly People], and even when managing a lot of business cards, processing power is fast and word of mouth (reputation) is good.

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