Which is better analog or digital for business card organization? Introducing advantages, disadvantages and tips

Which is better analog or digital for business card organization? Introducing advantages, disadvantages and tips

After becoming a member of society and working as a company employee for many years, there are many opportunities to exchange business cards.

As the number of years of service increases, business cards of business partners and companies will accumulate.

Some businessmen just keep them in their business card holders, but it's a good idea to organize them regularly.

There are two methods of managing business cards: analog and digital.

This time, we will introduce which is better for business card organization, analog or digital, and the advantages, disadvantages, and tips.

1. About the analog method of organizing business cards

Even if you don't receive business cards that often, and even if you don't have a lot of business cards at hand, it's a good idea to organize your business cards regularly.

This is because the more cards you have, the more difficult it will be to find the one you are looking for, and if you carry a large number of business cards in a single item, it will become heavy and difficult to carry around. .

In addition, business cards contain information about the company you work for in addition to your personal information.

If it is a business card received from the person in charge of the business partner or the company, it may lead to future work, so you must keep it carefully.

If you lose it, if it falls into the hands of someone with malicious intent, it will be misused, or if you forget the name of the customer at the next business meeting, it will be very rude.

And there are [Rotating business card holder, binder type holder, file folder] etc. in analog type for business card organization.

2. About the digital method of organizing business cards

In order to organize business cards, it is recommended that businessmen with high internet literacy store them digitally.

However, if possible, by managing business cards using both analog and digital methods, even if you lose business card information in one management method, you can rest assured that the data will remain securely in the other. you know.

In addition, if you are using a digital method to organize your business cards, you can save your personal information and customer data on your home PC, and you can also share the created data on your company PC, so you can prevent loss. The measures will be perfect.

However, being able to manage business card information digitally means that there is a risk of someone else hacking your personal computer information, so you have to take proper security measures.

And there are [Excel, application, outsourcing, commercial software] etc. for managing digital business cards.

Many businessmen still use analog methods to organize their business cards, so digital management methods are thought to be difficult for highly conscious people to use.

However, in the future, Japan will become an information-oriented society and internet businesses will become more popular, so it may be a good idea to improve your internet literacy and be able to organize your business cards digitally. I don't think so.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of analog type business card organization

The analog method of business card organization does not cost much, and even people who are not computer savvy can easily do it.

Also, if you manage business cards on a PC or smartphone, you have to be careful because the battery may run out.

On the other hand, the analog type cannot store a huge amount of data like the digital type, but there is no need to start up a PC or smartphone.

And you can quickly use a business card instead of a notepad on the spot.

Advantages of analog type business card organization

- Can be managed at low cost

・No electronic devices are used, so there is no need to worry about running out of battery.

・ You can check business card information as soon as you carry it in your bag.

・Security measures

・ You can write information directly on the business card you received and store it

Disadvantages of analog type business card organization

・There is no search function, so you have to search for business cards on your own.

・It is not possible to easily organize the layout, such as the order of the Japanese syllabary.

・If the number of business cards increases, more storage space is required.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of digital business card organization

Businessmen with high internet literacy should use the digital method when organizing business cards.

Unlike the analog type, you can secure an infinite amount of storage space on your computer or smartphone.

Therefore, it may be the best method for those who have a large number of business cards or those who frequently exchange business cards.

However, as with analog systems, there are both advantages and disadvantages, so it is safer to deepen your understanding.

Advantages of digital business card organization

・ Business cards are not bulky

・Easy to share information with colleagues and departments in the company

・Easy to organize business cards and find business cards

・People who have exchanged business cards with the same business card management app can interact with each other if they are using it.

・You can easily update the latest business card data.

Disadvantages of digital business card organization

- Requires strong security measures

・Data may be damaged

・When you go out, you have to turn on your PC or smartphone and check your business card information.

・ There is a risk that the battery will run out and you will not be able to check it easily.

5. Which is better analog or digital for business card organization?

We have introduced the advantages and disadvantages of analog and digital methods for organizing business cards.

However, when it comes to managing business cards, what they both have in common is that they never miss a business opportunity.

If you properly organize your business cards by yourself, when you receive a job request from a person in charge of a business partner or company that you have exchanged business cards with before, if you can check the business card you received, you can immediately recognize the face and name of the person you met. You can remember it, so you can respond without being rude.

If you lose your business card information, or if you can't find it and you can't remember the other person's name, face, and important information, you won't be able to build a good relationship.

Do you dare to be ashamed and ask for my business card again?

Many businessmen place great importance on how to present a good impression of themselves to others when they meet for the first time.

Therefore , regardless of whether it is analog or digital, you should organize your business cards well and never lose business card information.

And since the work environment differs for each person who works as a businessman, it is not possible to categorically decide which method is better, the analog method or the digital method.

Therefore, we recommend that you check the advantages and disadvantages of each and organize your business cards in a way that suits your lifestyle.

6. Introducing tips for organizing business cards

There are two ways to organize your business cards: analog and digital.

First of all, you can store your business cards more efficiently by dividing them into those that need to be prioritized and stored, and those that do not need to be stored at all.

In the future, the trick is to preferentially store the business cards that you really need to use and the business cards of the people you are currently in contact with.

However, even for business cards that you no longer need, classify them yourself and store them in analog or digital format.

It is also recommended to purchase several business card holders and store the business cards of the person in charge of the business partner or the company in them.

Summary of business card organization

There are various management methods for business card organization, such as analog [rotating business card holder, binder type holder, file folder] and digital [Excel, application, outsourcing, commercial software].

Both have advantages and disadvantages, so please practice the storage method according to the working environment.

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