ベルトの切り方(メンズ版)|ズボンベルトのバックルが外せない時や切れない時の対処法! - スタイルイコール

How to cut a belt (men's version) | What to do when you can't remove or cut the buckle of your trouser belt!

In fashion, clothes and trousers tend to be regarded as important fashion items for men, but in fact, trouser belts are also quite important among accessory items for coordination.

When checking men's fashion, we tend to focus on small items, so if the trouser belt is too long or loose, it will give a bad impression.

Men who are good at handicrafts like women are dexterous, so when you want to adjust the length of your trouser belt, you will be able to do it smoothly.

However, I think that not all men are dexterous with their hands, so there are probably many men who are worried about how to cut their belts.

This time, we will introduce how to cut the belt (men's version) and what to do when the buckle of the trouser belt cannot be removed or cut off.

table of contents
  • Explain the simple cutting procedure!
  • With a 100-yen trouser belt, you can rest assured even if you fail to cut it.
  • What to do when you can't remove the buckle of your trouser belt
  • What to do when your trouser belt won't break!
  • Precautions when cutting a mesh belt
  • Summary of how to cut a belt (men's version)

[How to cut the belt (men's version) procedure]

unbuckle trouser belt

When you open the metal clasp, you can separate the buckle and the body of the trouser belt.

Hook a tool with a flat tip, such as a flathead screwdriver, on the clasp and lift it to pop it open.

cut the belt

After removing the buckle from the trouser belt, cut the leather inserted in the buckle to the length you want to adjust. You can cut it with household scissors. In addition, we recommend that you cut the length in several steps and gradually shorten the length.

wearing a buckle

Once you have successfully cut the trouser belt, reinsert the belt into the buckle and secure it with the clasp. As mentioned above, I hope you understand that the method of cutting the belt (men's version) is not so difficult once you get used to it. However, there are some points as follows, so please be careful not to fail.


・Be careful how you cut it to fasten it in the middle of the hole when you put on the trouser belt.

・Do not finish adjusting the length at once, but divide it into multiple cuts.

・When cutting, it is safe to mark and draw a line so as not to cut diagonally.

With a 100-yen trouser belt, you can rest assured even if you fail to cut it.

How to cut a belt (men's version), if you have a 100-yen trouser belt, you can rest assured even if you fail to cut it.

If the belt you usually wear is expensive, you need courage to cut it off.

If you cut the belt too short or cut it at an angle, you will be disappointed because it cannot be undone.

Therefore, if you wear a 100-yen trouser belt on a daily basis, you won't regret it if the belt suddenly breaks or if you make a mistake in cutting it yourself.

There are various types of trouser belts sold at 100-yen shops, so you can choose the belt that suits you best.

There are various 100-yen shops such as Daiso and Seria, so the belts handled by each shop are different.

Also, be aware that trouser belts are not priced uniformly at 100 yen, and some are sold for around 300 to 500 yen.

In addition, if you keep it as a spare, you can use it as an emergency measure if you fail to cut another belt, so it might be a good idea to have one.

What to do when you can't remove the buckle of your trouser belt

In How to Cut a Belt (Men's Edition), we will introduce what to do when you can't remove the buckle of your trouser belt.

If you have a belt that is not a perforated type, you may have experienced that the buckle and belt sometimes get stuck and cannot come off.

Generally, there are cases where the leather or cloth is bitten by metal fittings, or the belt is sewn through the belt loop in advance.

And if the belt is sewn through the belt loop, you can't deal with it yourself, but if the leather or cloth is just caught in the metal fittings, you can remove the buckle.

A strong man can use a tool such as a flathead screwdriver to pry it open.

Also, as another countermeasure, if you push the trouser belt in the opposite direction to the buckle side, it may come off easily.

In addition, the buckle itself is fixed with screws, so it is also necessary to check the structure carefully and deal with it.

If you can't get the buckle off on your own, take it to a shop that can fix the belt.

What to do when your trouser belt won't break!

How to cut a belt (men's version) introduces what to do when you can't cut your trouser belt.

First of all, when cutting the belt, it is important to make sure that the scissors and tools you use are not rusted.

If you try to cut the belt with a rusted tool, it will be difficult to cut because it is not sharp enough.

Therefore, if the scissors are rusty, use other scissors or apply a rust-preventing agent to prevent rust, so that the next work can be completed smoothly.

Also, in How to cut a belt (men's version), be careful that the belt to be reworked is thick and the scissors may be misaligned and cannot be cut straight.

In particular, if you put a mark on the trouser belt and cut it carefully and it is misaligned, there is no point in marking it.

Therefore, when cutting the belt with scissors, move the scissors little by little while cutting instead of cutting with all your might.

Basically, except for trouser belts that cannot be disassembled, I think that they can be adjusted somehow, but if they are cut incorrectly, they cannot be restored to their original state, so there is no way to recover them.

In addition, it is not recommended to work too hard because you may not be able to assemble it as it was or it may break on the way and cause problems later.

If you find it difficult to cut the belt yourself, take it to the shop where you purchased it or a shop that will repair the belt for you.

Precautions when cutting a mesh belt

In How to Cut a Belt (Men's Edition), we will introduce the points to note when cutting a mesh belt.

Speaking of belts that can be easily adjusted in length, there are mesh belts.

If that happens, it will not look the same as before when assembled, and it will look dirty.

Therefore, when cutting the mesh using the method for cutting a belt (men's version), tape the cut part with cellophane tape in advance so that the mesh does not scatter.

And it is better to carefully cut from the top of the cellophane tape.

Summary of how to cut a belt (men's version)

For how to cut the belt (men's version), when cutting the trouser belt, [Make sure that the hole in the belt is in the middle when wearing pants. There are several points to note.

Rather than drilling holes in the belt, cutting it is more irreversible if it fails.

So, if possible, it is safe to have a spare 100-yen belt or use it for everyday wear so that you don't have to make a mistake.

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